Bachelor in Civil Engineering, Hochiminh University of Technology, Vietnam, 2011
Master in Geotechnical Engineering, Hochiminh University of Technology, Vietnam, 2014.
Ph.D candidate, Geosystems Engineering Lab. PKNU (3/2015~2/2019)

Research interests
Analytical model and numerical analysis of vertical drain-improved ground
Consolidation behavior of soft soil subjected to artesian pressure and effect of sand seam (Busan clay)
Ground improvement by Deep Cement Mixing (DCM) pile and Stiffness DCM pile
Effect of scour on foundation bearing capacity on sand ground
Pile foundation
Get to Know Us
My Professor, Prof. Yun-Tae Kim
Dept. of Ocean Engineering, PKNU
My Senior, Dr. Dae-Ho Yun
Dept. of Ocean Engineering, PKNU

Fellowships, scholarships, and grants
(2015-2019) Granted by basic science research program through the National research foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2014R1A2A1A11052721)
(2017-2019) Brain Korea 21 Plus (BK 21 Plus)