Bachelor in Civil Engineering, Hochiminh University of Technology, Vietnam, 2011
Master in Geotechnical Engineering, Hochiminh University of Technology, Vietnam, 2014.
Ph.D candidate, Geosystems Engineering Lab. PKNU (3/2015~2/2019)

Updated on 2019/01/22
Dae-Ho Yun, Ba-Phu Nguyen, Jae-Hong Kim and Yun-Tae Kim. A Study of Consolidation Behavior of Clay Ground with Partially Penetrated PVD under Artesian Pressure. J. Korean Geosynthetics Society Vol.15 No.1 March. 2016. Pp: 47 - 57.
Yun-Tae Kim, Ba-Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun. (2018). “Analysis of Consolidation Behavior of PVD-Improved Ground Considering a Varied Discharge Capacity”. Engineering Computations, 35(3): 1183-1202.
Yun-Tae Kim, Ba-Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun. (2018). “Effect of Artesian Pressure on Consolidation Behavior of Drainage-installed Marine Clay Deposit” ASCE’Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering: 30(8): 04018156-1-13.
Ba-Phu Nguyen, Yun-Dae Ho, Yun-Tae Kim (2018). “An Equivalent Plane Strain Model of PVD-Improved Ground” Computers and Geotechnics 103: 32-42.
Ba-Phu Nguyen and Yun-Tae Kim (2018). “An analytical solution for consolidation of PVD-installed deposit considering nonlinear distribution of hydraulic conductivity and compressibility” Engineering Computations. DOI: 10.1108/EC-04-2018-0196.
Ba-Phu Nguyen and Yun-Tae Kim (2018). “Radial consolidation of PVD-installed normally consolidated soil with discharge capacity reduction using large-strain theory” Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 47(2): 243-254.
Ba-Phu Nguyen and Yun-Tae Kim (2019). “An axisymmetric unit cell solution of PVD-improved soft soil considering a varied discharge capacity” Soils and Foundations (Preparation).
International Conference/Proceeding
Updated on 2019/01/22
Ba Phu Nguyen, Dae Ho Yun, Yong Soo Ha, Yun Tae Kim. (2015). “Numerical analysis of consolidation of PVD improved embankment under artesian pressure condition”. The 14th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2015). National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Ba Phu Nguyen, Dae - Ho Yun, Heon- Tae Kim and Yun-Tae Kim. (2016). “Consolidation Settlement Behavior of Busan Soft Deposits with Artesian Pressure”. 14th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Ba Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun and Yun-Tae Kim. (2016). “Consolidation Behaviors of PVD-installed Soft Deposits with Artesian Pressure Condition in Busan”. The 15th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2016), Hiroshima University, Japan.
Ba-Phu Nguyen and Yun-Tae Kim. (2017) “An Analytical Model of PVD-Installed Deposit Consolidation Considering Varied Discharge Capacity with Depth” Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul, Korea (19th ICSMGE).
Ba-Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun and Yun-Tae Kim. (2017). “An analytical model considering variation of compressibility and radial permeability due to PVD-Installation” The 16th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2017), Nov. 13-15, 2017/ National Cheng Kung University. Taiwan.
Ba-Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun and Yun-Tae Kim. (2018). “An axisymmetric unit cell solution of PVD-improved soft soil considering a varied discharge capacity”. 11th International conference on geosynthetics (11ICG), Coex, Seoul, Korea.
Ba-Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun, A. M. S. Pradhan and Yun-Tae Kim. (2018). “Consolidation analysis of drainage-installed soft soil with discharge capacity variation using finite strain theory.” 17th International conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (17th ICCEE), Dalian, China.
Pradhan, A.M.S., Lee, J.S., Nguyen, B.P., Kim, Y.T. (2018) “Hillslope evaluation during 12th September 2016 Gyeongju earthquake in the vicinity of the Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant” 17th International conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (17th ICCEE), Dalian, China.
Ba-Phu Nguyen and Yun-Tae Kim. (2019). “Numerical Analysis of Radial Consolidation with Discharge Capacity Reduction Using Finite Strain Theory.” Eighth International Conference on Case History in Geotechnical Engineering (Geo-Congress 2019), Philadelphia, USA. (Accepted)
Ba-Phu Nguyen and Yun-Tae Kim. (2019). “Numerical analysis of PVD-improved soft deposit considering soil disturbance and well resistance.” ATC7/ Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ATC7/16ARC), Taipei, Taiwan. (Accepted)
National Conference/Poster Presentations
Updated on 2019/01/22
Ba-Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun, Yong-Soo Ha, Jae-Hong Kim, Yun-Tae Kim. (2015). “Long-term settlement behavior due to embankment construction in Busan clay deposits”. 2015 Fall Geosynthetics Conference, KGSC, Seoul, Korea.
Ba Phu Nguyen, Dae - Ho Yun and Yun-Tae Kim. (2016). “Consolidation Behavior of PVD- installed Soft Deposits with Artesian Pressure Condition in Busan”. Korea Society of Hazard Mitigation, Seoul, Korea.
Ba Phu Nguyen, Dae - Ho Yun and Yun-Tae Kim. (2016). “Consolidation Behavior of Busan Soft Clay under Artesian Pressure”. 2016 Spring Geosynthetics Conference, KGSC, Seoul, Korea.
*Ba Phu Nguyen, Daeho Yun and YunTae Kim. (2016). “Consolidation Behaviors of PVD- installed Soft Deposits with Artesian Pressure Condition in Busan”. Fall Geosynthetics Conference, KSSC, Seoul, Korea.
*Ba-Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun, Yong-Chai Chang and Yun-Tae Kim. (2017). “Consolidation Analysis of PVD-installed Deposit Considering Varied Discharge Capacity”. 2017 Spring Geosynthetics Conference, KSSC, Seoul, Korea.
*Ba Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun and Yun-Tae Kim. (2017). “A Consolidation Solution of PVD-Improved Ground with Effect of Soil Disturbance Due to Mandrel-Installation”. Fall Geosynthetics Conference, KSSC, Seoul, Korea.
Ba-Phu Nguyen, Dae-Ho Yun and Yun-Tae Kim. (2018). “Finite Strain Consolidation of PVD-improved soft soil with Discharge Capacity Variation”. 2018 Spring Geosynthetics Conference, KSSC, Seoul, Korea.
Ba Phu Nguyen, Thanh Hai Do, Minh Tam Nguyen. (2013). “Bearing capacity of stiffened deep cement mixing pile”. 13th Conference on science and technology – Geotechnical & Infrastructure session 2013 Ho Chi Minh National University, Vietnam.
Ba-Phu Nguyen, Minh Tam Nguyen. (2014). “Research capacity applying Stiffened deep cement mixing pile in designing foundation on soft soil ground” Annual Conference on science and technology- Water Resources University- Vietnam.
Note: *: Best paper